nonprofit business consulting

stronger orgs. more impact.

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We believe nonprofits should run like a business. A strong, scalable business model creates diverse revenue streams and unlimited growth potential.

our services

You have the passion and the vision. We have the experience and expertise. Let’s work together to achieve the growth and impact you and our community deserve.

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mergers and aquisitions

We believe nonprofits are stronger when they share resources, passion, and programming. Let us help you explore the possibilities.

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business consulting

Successful nonprofits have a strong business model. Let’s create an innovative, scalable approach to your organization’s business.

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social enterprise

Let us help you assess your needs, ideate social enterprise concepts, and implement strategies to create sustainable and scalable growth.

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we will help perfect your business model.

Your business model is what drives your growth. Let us help you fine-tune that model to create new opportunities, sustainable growth, and more community impact.


In 2011, I started my own organization, Project Helping. I run the day-to-day operations of Project Helping in addition to helping other organizations via Rise By. My goal is to use all the lessons I’ve learned, mistakes I’ve made, and things I’ve built to help other organizations become stronger, more sustainable, and more innovative in their approach to solving meaningful problems.

Justin Kruger

founder and ceo

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copyright rise by. 2023